Create phpBB Rank System

@halilesen · 30 Apr 2024 · 372 views
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By creating a ranking system for your phpBB forum, you can encourage your users to participate in your board. Here we will create a rank system with you. There will be a rank system that changes according to the number of posts this user has.

Manage-ranks-phpBB-Rank-System-phpBB-Group.jpg (195.17 KiB) Viewed 372 times

To start entering ranks, go to ACP > Users and Groups tab > Users menu > Manage ranks page, then click Add new rank button.

phpbb-add-new-rank.jpg (30.12 KiB) Viewed 372 times

Here you will see the options for the new rank you will add. I would like to explain and advise them myself.

Rank title is the name of the rank. With rank image you choose the image of the rank to be shown on the profile. However, in order to be selected here, the images must be uploaded to the /images/ranks folder in root.

Personally I don't like to use the rank image because I use the star symbols that can be added to the rank title, and that's what I'll use here.

If the Set as special rank option is yes, it means that this is not a rank to be determined by the number of posts. It will be marked as no here. If this is a rank for some groups and for users you choose yourself, you can mark it as yes.

Minimum posts is the min number of posts for a user to get that rank.

Here is the rank system that I can create with only rank title and minimum posts options and I use it on almost every my phpBB board:

phpbb-ranks.jpg (241.97 KiB) Viewed 372 times

Code: Select all

Beginner — 0	 
☆ — 10	 
☆☆ — 20	 
☆☆☆ — 30	 
☆☆☆☆ — 40	 
☆☆☆☆☆ — 50	 
★☆☆☆☆ — 100	 
★★☆☆☆ — 200	 
★★★☆☆ — 300	 
★★★★☆ — 400	 
★★★★★ — 500	 
⭐★★★★ — 1000	 
⭐⭐★★★ — 2000	 
⭐⭐⭐★★ — 3000	 
⭐⭐⭐⭐★ — 4000	 
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ — 5000	 
✨⭐⭐⭐⭐ — 10000	 
✨✨⭐⭐⭐ — 15000	 
✨✨✨⭐⭐ — 20000	 
✨✨✨✨⭐ — 25000	 
✨✨✨✨✨ — 30000
You can change the minimum posts entries as you wish. You can also add rank image if you want. But make sure the x's are svg for a better look. You can also use Ranks in Customisation Database.
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