How to Add a Tagline in phpBB?

@halilesen · 11 Apr 2024 · 667 views
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You cannot add taglines from ACP to your phpBB forum by default, unfortunately. But here I'm going to give you an alternative approach on how to add a slogan to your phpBB board.

Some people confuse the phpBB website slogan with the site description that can be added from ACP. The site description should definitely be well written and is very important for SEO. But it's something else. Website tagline is shorter than description; it's a few words or a sentence that describes what the site is all about.

phpbbgroup-tagline-v-description.jpg (83.14 KiB) Viewed 667 times

So where does a phpBB board tagline appear and why is it needed? This is generally visible in the tab name of the homepage and is usually "Board Name - Tagline". Because you may not want to have Board index in the home tab.

Well? ACP has a Board index text setting. A tagline can be added there for the main page. Yes. But this time if you are using Breadcrumbs, you don't want tagline/slogan to appear instead of home page.

Now you have two alternative options to add a tagline to your phpBB board. The first is to edit the <title> line for the index; the second is to write your tagline in the "Board index text" input in ACP and edit the Breadcrumbs text for the home page. I prefer the first one but I will show you both.

Option One:

Open the /template/overall_header.html file of the style you are using and find the following line.

Code: Select all

Replace with this:

Code: Select all

<title><!-- IF UNREAD_NOTIFICATIONS_COUNT -->({UNREAD_NOTIFICATIONS_COUNT}) <!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF S_INDEX -->{SITENAME} - Your Tagline<!-- ELSE --><!-- IF not S_VIEWTOPIC and not S_VIEWFORUM -->{SITENAME} - <!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF S_IN_MCP -->{L_MCP} - <!-- ELSEIF S_IN_UCP -->{L_UCP} - <!-- ENDIF -->{PAGE_TITLE}<!-- IF S_VIEWTOPIC or S_VIEWFORUM --> - {SITENAME}<!-- ENDIF --><!-- ENDIF --></title>
Change the part that says Your Tagline and save it.

Option Two:

Enter the Administration Control Panel of your board. Go to Board settings page. Type a tagline in Board index text option.

Then to rename the index link in Breadcrumbs to Board index or Home, open your style's /template/navbar_header.html file and find the language variable {{ L_INDEX }}, change and save.

I have shown you two options that allow you to add a tagline to display on the home page of your forum. I used to use another method that required editing the core files. But these options are safer.

Additionally, if your style shows the description and you want to show your tagline there, you can edit the {SITE_DESCRIPTION} variable in the overall_header.html file or replace it with {{ L_INDEX }}.

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